women's ministry

  • The Women of Xenia Naz - overview

    We believe every woman is God-designed, purpose-intended, significant, and lavishly loved by God.  No matter your age, your status, your style, or whether you think you have it all together or not, you belong.  We desire for the women of Xenia Naz to grow together, learn from each other and experience life together--knowing you're not on this journey alone.

    The Women of Truth and Grace have several activities planned this year including:  Women's Brunch,  Ax Throwing, Christmas Dinner,  White Elephant Bingo, Painting Class, and a Spring Luncheon.    

    Next Event: White Elephant Bingo on Feb. 18 - Contact the Church Office for details.  

  • Women's prayer times

    • Women's Prayer Time - meets from 12-1pm normally every Tuesday each month at the church.  Are you struggling with a burden you would like others to help you pray about?  If so, this would be a great time to do that.  We also pray for our adult children.   Come and be encouraged!
  • Ladies' bible Study - Mar. 12 - April 23

    Interruptions can be aggravating!  How we handle them actually tells us more about ourselves.  What do we do when God interrupts our lives?  Many times, like Jonah, we run! Join Sue Atherton for a 7-week study on "Jonah: Navigating a Life Interrupted" by Priscilla Shirer.   Book Cost: $15

    Sign up in the foyer starting Feb. 23



    Click HERE for more info!