what to expect

At Xenia Naz, each worship gathering lasts about 75 minutes.  Our music is contemporary, but with an appreciation for the great, familiar songs of the church. We celebrate Communion (the Lord's Supper or the Eucharist - whichever term is familiar to you) in every service.  If you are visiting us for the first time, don't worry: no one will single you out as a guest.  Also, when we receive the offering, we don't expect our guests to give.  We hope you will receive the worship service as our gift to you and be encouraged by it.

Some people dress up for church and some come in jeans and a T-shirt.  There is no set "dress code" for our services.  Wear what's comfortable for you.

We also have great Sunday morning programs for children and preteens:

  • Nursery care for infants and toddlers
  • Classes for children and youth during our first service (9 am)
  • Children's worship during our second service (10:45 am)
  • Youth join the adults for worship during the second service (10:45 am)

At Xenia Naz, we don't believe we are better than other churches - we join hands with other churches in Xenia and around the globe in proclaiming the Good News and the hope of Jesus and living out the Kingdom here and now.