Spiritual Growth . . . Renewal . . . Revival
Sunday, Nov. 7 -- Services at 9 am, 10:45 am, & 7 pm
Monday, Nov. 8 -- Meal at 6 pm; Service at 7 pm
Tuesday, Nov. 9 -- Meal at 6 pm; Service at 7 pm
Wednesday, Nov. 10 -- Meal at 6 pm; Service at 6 pm
Guest Speaker: Dr. M. Kim & Rose Smith (left photo)
The Smiths are personal friends of Pastor Mark and Sue. In fact, Dr. Smith officiated their wedding! Dr. Smith pastored Nazarene churches for many years, was elected as Church of the Nazarene Iowa District Superintendent in May 2013, and is now recently retired.
Children's Evangelist: Shannon Mangicaro (center photo)
We are exciting that Shannon is coming to minister to our children, allowing Pastor Brian & Amy to be in revival services!
Shannon currently serves in the children's department at Springdale Nazarene in Cincinnati.
Worship Leaders: Brannon & Gloria Hancock (right photo)
These two are no strangers to Xenia Naz! Brannon served as worship leader here from Dec. 2007 through Aug. 2014.
For some of that time, Gloria worked in the church office. Brannon is also the son of Pastor Mike & Becky!
Now they are both employed at Wesley Seminary at Indiana Wesleyan University.
Brannon (Ph.D.; M.Th.) is the Associate Professor of Practical Theology and Worship at Wesley Seminary.
Gloria is the faculty assistant at Wesley Seminary.
Mark your calendars and plan to attend these special services!