Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these."  

Mark 10:14.  

In the midst of a consuming ministry to adults, Jesus regularly ministered to children.  We believe the future of the church depends on effective ministry to children today!  

  • Sunday School classes are held at 9 am for all ages through Grade 6.
  • Children's Church is held at 10:45 am for Grades 1-6.
  • We provide Nursery Care for infants and toddlers during both worship services (9 am & 10:45 am).
  • Children's Bible Quizzing is offered for those interested.  The quizzers study together on Sundays and compete at Bible quiz meets held periodically throughout the school year.  This is a very exciting ministry with 25-30 students participating..     

For more information about our children's ministry, 

contact Pastor Brian Leach.  

Children's Ministry Application - Click here to launch form.